UX4AI – Designing AI-powered systems
UX4AI – Designing AI-powered systems (Short presentations + Panel Discussion)
About the event
Acknowledging the rise of (Gen)AI in the last two years, UX research and design will remain a key success factor. Visual user interfaces will neither disappear nor be entirely replaced by a text field for prompting or purely conversational interfaces. However, we must adapt and extend existing UX principles, methods, patterns, and guidelines.
We want to discuss the first «real-life» experiences of UX experts designing AI-powered systems.
What to expect
– Not in focus at all (!): AI4UX, i.e., applying AI tools as UX professionals, such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E, or Figma AI
– Two short presentations with insights from projects in various industries, especially insurance, energy / home automation, and transport / mobile navigation
– An interactive, open discussion on emerging challenges and approaches. Involving both our expert panel and, of course, the audience, i.e., you!
About the participants
The short presentations will be given by Christoph Bochsler and Michaela Hildebrandt. Christoph is managing partner and innovation consultant at the award-winning digital agency Cando in Winterthur. Michaela has worked as a UX Designer for various companies, such as Helbling Technik, Hexagon Technology Center, or Axon Vibe.
Guy Papstein and Robin Di Capua will join us for the panel discussion. Guy is known as a UX design manager at Steiner AG, Swisscom, and Vodafone. Robin is currently responsible for the Swisscom design system SDX.
The event will be facilitated by Frank Leidermann and Daniel Boos. Both are members of the swissICT specialist group «User Experience.» At Cando, Frank is working as an Agile and UX lead. Daniel is responsible for the digital service user experience at SBB.
The event will be in English.
The event is co-hosted by UX Schweiz and swissICT
Moderatorenteam der Fachgruppe UX swissICT, UX Schweiz & Geschäftsstelle swissICT (Carol Lechner)
Anmeldung bis 29.01.2024
Carol Lechner, Geschäftsstelle swissICT: event@swissict.ch
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