Was: 26th International Conference on Agile Software Development
Wo: Brugg-Windisch
Von: Mo., 02.06.2025 09:00
Bis: Do., 05.06.2025 17:00

26th International Conference on Agile Software Development

We welcome the XP community for the first time in Switzerland!

XP is the premier agile software development conference, that combines, both, research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers gather to present and discuss their most recent innovations and research results. At its inception, 26 years ago, the XP conference focused solely on eXtreme Programming. It quickly widened its scope to include all modern agile approaches and all the developing aspects of agility. XP draws people from around the globe, providing a diverse and inclusive environment for learning and inspiring conversations.

What matters to you?

In just a few years, AI tools have been widely adopted by industry and their capabilities have improved enormously. Together with other trends such as platform engineering, conversational applications, sustainable development, and many more, the way we develop, operate, and evolve software may change drastically. At the same time, with the digital revolution, software has become part of the critical infrastructure of the entire economy; software is a core asset of many companies and is responsible for their success.

How can these trends and new research support and enhance agile software development and its operation in the future? Are the agile values and principles described in the manifesto still valid and/or sufficient?

What other trends, innovations, and research do you see emerging in the development and operation of valuable software products? Do you want to help shape the future of software development? Do you have ideas, and solutions or have you done experiments and research to solve a specific problem?

Keynote Speakers
Darja Šmite is a professor of software engineering at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, where she leads research efforts on globally distributed software development, outsourcing, remote and hybrid work. Her research interests include WFH, virtual teams, large-scale agile software development, team performance and organisational decentralisation. In her research, Šmite works closely with software companies, including Ericsson, Spotify, Telenor, Storebrand, SONY, ABB, Tieto, and many others. Šmite is also a part time research scientist at SINTEF in Norway.

Birgitta Böckeler is a software developer, architect, and technical leader who is passionate about helping teams and organizations break down complexity, and find new perspectives to look at their systems. She has spent her whole professional career so far in software delivery consulting, which gave her the opportunity to see many organizations and teams succeed and fail at delivering valuable software.
Birgitta regularly speaks and writes about software-related topics, most notably architecture cultivation and governance, pair programming as a catalyst for high-performing teams, and diversity in the technology industry.

Call for Submissions

For XP 2025, we are interested in talks and papers, especially those on this year’s theme:
Adapt – Uncovering better ways to deliver valuable software products

To find out more about a particular track and to enter a submission, please click on the relevant track in the tracks menu. Each track page includes a list of deadlines, guidelines, requirements, and other submission information.

Stay tuned and see you in Switzerland!

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